
Getting Qualified Help is Important

What does a Will mean for you and you family?  Peace of mind.  Yet, half of all Canadians who die each year do not leave a Will.  Without a Will, you may be leaving it up to the government to decide how your estate will be divided.  Getting knowledgeable information will make a big difference. Sablok & Sablok, Notaries Public provides dependable advice when writing your Last Will and Testament.

Writing a Will can be a difficult process, so getting qualified help from a Notary Public you trust is important. We can assist you with each step of writing a Will. We’ll help you determine issues such as who shall act as your Executor, who will take care of your children if they are minors, and how best to divide your assets.

Your Will is one of the most important documents you will ever sign.   By putting down on paper what you wish to happen to your real and personal property, a Will can speak on your behalf after your death.

What Happens If You Don’t Have A Will?

You may be surprised how your assets can be divided if you don’t have a Will. If you die intestate (without having made a Will) the Estate Administration Act determines how your estate is divided. Without a Will, British Columbia Legislation decides what amount, if any, your spouse, children and relatives receive.

Do Couples Without Children Need A Will?

Couples often assume that because their assets are in joint names, they do not need a Will.  However, if both people die simultaneously and it cannot be determined who lived the longest, such as in an automobile accident, their assets may be given to only one person’s relatives, while the other person’s relatives receive nothing.  This situation can be avoided by having a Will.

Sablok & Sablok, Notaries Public Can Help

Sablok & Sablok, Notaries Public is well versed in the intricacies of all relevant laws. We can advise you about the formalities of a Will and help you suitably draft your Last Will and Testament.

Do you have questions about writing a Will that you’d like answered? We’d like to help. You can find out more information about writing a Last Will and Testament by E-mailing us at Sablok & Sablok, Notaries Public.